Police or Fire Station!
Hi.... I’m a new reader and fan of your Savvy Auntie site and I myself am I proud auntie!
Growing up in a single family home, I did not have a lot of money to entertain my younger nephews and Godson so I started taking them to various police and fire stations.
These places are free and usually enjoy the company. It is a fun place to visit and learn how they are run behind-the-scenes, and it also educates the kids about what our service people do for us and how they can be trusted. Once they locked up my nephew in the jail and although it was fun at first, he didn’t like the feeling and told me he NEVER wanted to go to jail. A good time with my nephew and a life lesson.... BINGO!
A single auntie perk of this visit are the great looking men (or woman). Yes, I have to admit that I thought this was a great way for me to meet someone, but now that I'm engaged, I enjoy the eye candy!
Photo: Clarkston SCAMP
Published: April 23, 2012