3 Mini-Adventures
Written By Savvy Auntie Staff Writers
By Amanda Greene, www.lalupuslady.com
Many of us Savvy Aunties do not get enough time to spend on healthy activities with our nieces and nephews. So why not multitask and (literally) get moving? Now that it’s American Adventures Month, keep in mind that the adventure doesn’t have to be an expensive getaway. Here are three great mini-adventures to enjoy with your nieces and nephews before they go back to school!
1. Enjoy a walk or a jog through your favorite neighborhood park.
Walking in the park is a great way to catch up with your nieces and nephews. (You don’t need to take it to the extreme like I did when I flew 3,000 miles to walk three with my niece at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey to support the Alliance for Lupus Research.) You could discover more than a swing set on your next visit to the local park. You could learn that your nephew was selected to the Little League All-Star Team or that your niece hit the bull’s-eye in archery last week. The one-on-one connection is priceless. Moving forward together is a fun way to build memories and get some cardio in. If you want more of a challenge, consider a short hiking trip to one of the national or state parks near your area – a great way to work in an educational activity as you explore some of the country’s historic sites!
2. Invite the entire family to join you in walking for a cause.
Create a team and have the entire family join in! Walking together for a cause – whether you support lupus research or a kitten rescue – can be a very rewarding and enjoyable family event. Turn fundraising into “fun-raising” as you make a difference, and make an impression about why the cause is important to you! Your nieces and nephews will learn from your example of how to take action with purpose and support the community. (It helps if Kicking Daisies plays a mini-concert at the event to surprise your niece like they did at the Lupus Walk.)
3. Have an adventure in your own neighborhood or hometown.
Enjoy your local attractions and “play tourist” in your hometown. Going out to explore your neighborhood alongside fresh young eyes can be so much fun! Check your town hall, local community center, or visitor’s center for historical and educational sites to visit with your nieces and nephews. You can give the kids a little insight into their hometown’s background so that they can share some of that knowledge when they go back to school. Be sure to put on your sunscreen first!
Amanda Greene is finding the joys of Lupus. She was diagnosed with Lupus and APS at 15 years old. As "LA Lupus Lady" she is an online advocate for Lupus Research and Wellness. Amanda's flair for connecting using Social Media and passion for sharing made her transition to brand ambassador a natural one. Find Amanda online at www.lalupuslady.com or tweeting (too much!) @LAlupusLady.
Photo: Courtesy of Amanda Greene
Published: August 13, 2013