Hot headed over nosy neighbors...
My honey is about ready to start screaming at our nosy neighbors. We rent a condo in a small community, and we're going to move out in ten days to a larger apartment elsewhere. In the meantime, our neighbors have been leaving us "helpful" notes on the status of our laundry (there's ONE washer/dryer for 12 units to share), asking us not to let our dog poop on the lawn (which she doesn't do, we walk down the street to a park for that - AND we pick up after her when she does), telling us not to leave wet shoes in the hallway (though 9 other units, including the property manager's, have wet shoes outside their doors)... the list goes on and on. That doesn't even include the neighbor I hide from because everytime she sees me she tries to get me to buy something, or the one that calls our landlord once a week with an update on our activities (I was told she was concerned that a male guest came over while my fiance was out - it was a repairman!)
The latest is that last night, my fiance stepped in dog poop while walking the dog. We scraped and washed by hand as best we could, then took his shoe, removed the laces and insole and tossed it in the wash with a bunch of towels to minimize noise. It was late (you're not allowed to run the washer/dryer after 9pm), so we left it wet in the washer overnight, intending to remove the shoe to air dry and rewash the towels the next day. We returned this morning to find a two page missive about our "dog barf" shoe, instructions on how to clean it, admonishments about putting a shoe through the dryer (no duh) and requesting that we reimburse THEM for quarters since they removed the shoe and put the towels through the dryer. I know they may have been trying to be helpful, but my honey wants to start knocking on doors and telling people off. Any ideas on how to calm this situation for the next week or so while we pack our stuff and get the heck out? Ways to keep his anger at bay until then??