sophie's so pure is a prefect teether for teething babies.,My infant loves this teether. She got her first tooth at the end of two months old which is hard when they're just learning how to grip and pull things to their mouth this teether is perfect for tiny hands especially for infants who are just starting to grasp and pull things to their mouth. You can also check this It is a great alternative to the original Sophie giraffe that's a little bit larger and is better for infants who are probably about six months and older..
Here are some tips hope it will help you.. :
1.Wash your hands, and then give your baby a little gum massage. The pressure, which will be counter to the pressure of the teeth breaking through, will feel good and offer your little one some relief from swollen gums.
2.Babies have preferences on lots of things, and teethers are no different. When their mouths are really aching, you want to give your child something they like and will really sink those gums into. Try some organic baby teething toys .,(Both the teethers that you have mentioned are great, but i have used sophie's which works perfect for our LO )
If your baby has been weaned, you could also let her chew on cooled, soft foods such as banana and cucumber as long as you’re nearby. Avoid hard foods that could break up into pieces and cause your baby to choke.