replied at
Mar 8 2012
Different families have different gift-giving styles, too, something that might be causing the disconnect between your idea of a Christmas present and your SIL's idea. (I know this is an old thread, but in case somebody else has the same issue, I thought I'd weigh in.) My boyfriend's family gives small gifts, mostly handmade things or very practical things like grocery gift cards. My family, on the other hand, goes ALL OUT for Christmas -- it takes us a long, long time to get through the pile under (and around, and down the hall from) the tree.
I agree that you aren't in danger of spoiling your niece. My nieces live far away from me, too, and I love to send them gifts. It will actually be easier when she gets older because you can Skype with her and feel more connected that way, and then maybe you will be able to cut down on the number of care packages you send. Or maybe not, but that's okay, too!