My nephews (2 and 3) had a sleepover the night before and then we got up early and went to Sizzler's for breakfast (Mr 2yo was in pancake heaven!). We also took my best friend's daughter who is now 15 and like a niece to me, as well as my other sister who is also Auntie. Even though we babysit them regularly, it was the first time we had them because we asked for them, not because my sister needed us. So her and my BIL weren't quite sure what to do with themselves ... but I don't know who was happier about the whole 'adventure' (as Mr 3yo said) mum and dad, the aunties or the nephews!
The cutest thing ... driving to Sizzler, Mr 3yo asked if he would like to hear an 'Auntie song that I know and then proceeded to sing Happy Aunties day to you ... so gorgeous!
Again, thank you so much Melanie, we had a blast on Sunday and it's all thanks to you! I also run two online businesses, one is a resume writing business where I've been offering 25% off for Aunties who either needed a resume themselves, or want one as a graduation gift for a niece or nephew. My other business is a children's picture book publishing company, and the topic of Aunties day had all my Facebook fans talking about how they were going to celebrate.
I'm looking forward to next year and intend to continue to spread the word 'Down Under' as it really is such a lovely idea!