Dear Auntie Advisor,
You must be a very caring auntie to pay so much attention to your niece when you have such a large family! Take heart…you have already started the process for her to think about what she might want to do. I suggest rather than a direct question or specific suggestions you just pick up on anything she seems interested in; then compliment her by saying, “you are really good at…” It can be as prosaic as her mentioning how cute the puppy is, how pretty a piece of clothing is, how good a book is or what a mean friend so-and- so is. SO, talking about how much she likes animals, what a good eye she has, how she is a discerning reader, and how perceptive she is about other people…well, you get the idea. Her sense of herself will expand and aspects of her self will become clearer. I can’t think of a better way to inspire a 16-year-old or anyone for that matter.
Happy “Auntying”,
Natalie Robinson Garfield