Dear Savvy Auntie,
I have a niece (17 months), and a nephew (3 years), who travel six hours to where I live once a month with their dad. And while I love my brother, he tends to leave Bee unchanged for a good five hours or so, lets them play with electrical wiring, electrical sockets, gives my niece small candy that she could easily choke on (he says she's smart enough to not choke on it), and he doesn't mind if they play near the road. He also doesn't become concerned when they wander a little bit into the road either!
I know I'm just an Auntie, and a young one at that, but I seriously want to pull my hair out at how careless he can be with them! I'm always having to look out for them and pull them away from dangerous things or items, like knives or sharp scissors that are left laying around. I almost feel like a parent myself with how often I have to keep an eye on them while my brother does whatever, thinking they know better not to do certain things. I've tried giving him advice on what could really cause them harm, but he just yells at me for it, saying I'm not their mom. And that's very true. I'm not meaning to be a parent, but I'm just trying to make sure that they stay safe. Is there another approach to trying to keep my favorite little ones safe and happy without my brother throwing a fit about my advice? Or maybe I really am just being... well, bossy? Paranoid?
Safety Ensuring Auntie