Dear Emotionally Conscious Auntie,
Your sister’s shortness with her son may be the result of so few males in your family and her unfamiliarity with how boys are different than girls. The quality of their attention is usually less acute and therefore they miss instructions and cues. It is also possible that your nephew may have actual attention issues. You might ask your sister what the teachers say about his ability to listen and follow instructions in school.
I understand that you are at a disadvantage because your family doesn’t respect your opinion since you don’t have your own children (a problem for many Aunties). You can remedy this somewhat by reading up on child development. The author I like very much is T. Berry Brazelton, he has written a number of books, you can probably find one in your library. This knowledge will arm you in any discussion about kids.
I also suggest you give your sister some sympathy for her upset without condoning her behavior. It is also natural for parents to let off steam about their kids; I am glad to hear she doesn’t do it to him, but with you.
In addition, you can stay in touch with him through Skype, praising him for any achievements and accomplishments and building a supportive and caring relationship with him. Believe it or not, you can be a role model for your sister even if she doesn’t acknowledge it.
You don’t mention the part his father plays in parenting. I am hopeful he is more patient as your nephew will be turning more and more to him as his “main” parent.
Best of Luck,
Natalie Robinson Garfield
Published: August 31, 2011