Dear Far Away and Frustrated,
I sympathize with your wishes to share the day- to- day experiences with your nieces. In this day of instant communication you can be more a part of their lives through Skype or Facetime, sharing videos, instant messaging, and good old phone calls or cards.
Of course you are entitled to feel frustrated about the other auntie! However, you are not justified in expressing this to her; it is her life, her choice, and she is not obligated to fulfill your vision and expectation of her behavior. Do you remember the song from My Fair Lady...”why can’t a woman be more like a man”? Many people wish that people (particularly family members) would be more “like them." I believe it is one of life’s great challenges to accept each person as their own person, and it is even more difficult when children are involved and the other person is not at all like ourselves.
Good luck,
Natalie Robinson Garfield