Dear Savvy Auntie,
I am a stay at home aunt, which is pretty much a step-in-mom for my sister and brother-in-law who work a lot. All year I provide fun but cheap things for my 9 year old niece. She's becoming ungrateful because the one time of year she goes to her grandma's house on her dad's side, she gets a lot of expensive nice things. And because of that, I don't get her too much for Christmas. She's starting to realize it and resents me for it.
Isn't me taking care of her year round good enough? I provide a loving alternative environment for her when she can't be home.
Am I being selfish to feel sad and like my own niece hates me? Don't get me wrong; I love his side of the family. They are wonderful people who mean well. I just hate that on Christmas Eve, after going to her grandma's, that my niece knows she won't be opening as many gifts Christmas morning from me as she did today at her grandma's.
Can you help?
Stay At Home Aunt