Dear Savvy Auntie,

I am at a loss right now. My 21 year old nephew shipped off to Guatanamo Cuba for at least a year. He is in the Army. He is not sure if he will get leave while he is over there so I am missing him a lot.

My question is does anyone know of ways that I can help him or troops in general. I want them/him to know that we support them.


Tammie Donaldson

Dear Tammie Donaldson,

You are still in time for holiday mailings...if you hurry. I suggest you contact The Red Cross,The Army itself, The U.S. Post Office and Laura Bush who volunteered in a big campaign to mail holiday greetings to our Armed Services. What a warm and wonderful wish you have to be of service to your nephew  and others who are serving us... our country.

Good Holidays to you,
Natalie Robinson Garfield


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