5 Ways to Manage Your Metabolism at the Holidays
This week, we’re getting you prepared for the busy season of holiday parties and family events with your adorable nieces and nephews. There are bound to be lots of sweets and maybe even some festive cocktails floating around at these things, but they don’t have to be your undoing.
Learn how to manage your metabolism and prevent hangovers with these five essentials:
The Preventative Measures
1. Dinner
Photo: aus_chick via Flickr cc
Eat dinner before the booze or the sweets! Make sure the kids eat a healthy meal before stuffing themselves with those candy canes and holiday treats! Foods rich in protein and healthy fats like salmon, chicken, and avocados are best before or along with alcoholic beverages. Eating a meal might also prevent you (and the little ones) from reaching directly for the sweet stuff, which is definitely not great to do on an empty stomach!
2. Mingle and Explore
Photo: ambersphoto via Flickr cc
If you’re walking around the party and seeking out the company of new and interesting people, or if you’re trying to catch your nieces and nephews for a quick snuggle, you’ll be less likely to overindulge in the comforts of too much alcohol or sweets.
The Post-Party Support
1. B-Vitamins
Photo: stockimages
These bad boys are essential for replenishment on the day after a party. Pick up a B-complex supplement for the proper balance of all B-vitamins, drink lots of water along with them, and stay nourished! Then take the kids out for a light and healthy brunch!
2. Coconut Water
Photo: Victor Habbick
This “natural Gatorade” is loaded with potassium, electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals – drink lots of it to rehydrate and replenish after a night of mulled wine or spiked eggnog.
3. Miso Soup
Photo: rakratchada torsap
Mix a spoonful of miso paste with a bowl of hot water for an instant soup. The healthy sodium content will ease up headaches and help restore balance in your body after an overload of sugar from all the alcohol you consumed at the party.
Published: December 24, 2013