There's no one like you, Savvy Auntie. You're just so Savvy! From arts & crafts to games and parties, you know how to have fun. Plus, you're on top of the latest pop culture trends. You're also the one the kids go to when they need help. You're not only the coolest Auntie, you're just the coolest chick, ever!
We want you to share your expertise with us, and Auntiepedia enables you to do just that.
First, click on "Create a New Auntiepedia Topic." Enter your topic and select a category in which it best fits. Then tell us all about it!
Other members will add their two cents below your primary entry, and so on and so one. Members are able to vote on what they think is the best version of the topic, but giving it a thumbs up (or a thumbs down).
So go ahead! Share your Savvy-ness with us! We want to hear from you. What's your Auntiepedia topic going to be?